Monday, August 13, 2007


So, in keeping with the Learning 2.0, here are the links to all the places that I now have accounts at:

BlogLines: well, I can't exactly show you this one, just trust me that it's there!
Rollyo: I think that this is another that you can't really link to

This, of course doesn't include the things I was already in, like MySpace, Hotmail, etc.

Wow, how many accounts will I have by the time this is over?

At least I've been able to have the same login name in all the places so far. That will help with my meager brain capacity (most of my brain seems to be filled with ... well ... allergy-related material).


James said...
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James said...

Miss Information,
You can share your public BlogLines feeds with a URL that looks something like , e.g.,

James said...

Miss Information,
There are a couple online tools and some evolving tools that might help you manage a multiplicity of user identities.
Personally, I simply use Firefox to remember login usernames and passwords.
Clipperz is one of several online password managers that you can use at any computer
At SLA this year, I saw a presentation that featured the evolving OpenID - which looks pretty cool but isn't implemented widely. Yet.